
Garbage Bread Recipe


Introduction to Garbage Bread

What is Garbage Bread?

At its core, Garbage Bread is a testament to the joy of culinary experimentation. Imagine taking a pizza dough, laying it flat, and then loading it up with just about anything that tickles your fancy. From the hearty goodness of a bacon cheeseburger to the spicy kick of buffalo chicken, or even the creamy delight of spinach artichoke dip, the possibilities are as limitless as your imagination. Once filled, the dough is rolled up, cinnamon roll-style, and baked to golden perfection. The result? A savory, cheesy, and utterly delicious concoction that’s as fun to make as it is to eat.


Brief History and Origin

Though the origins of Garbage Bread are a bit murky, it’s widely believed to have started as a creative way to use up leftovers, turning them into a tasty new meal. This concept isn’t new; cultures around the world have long been transforming leftovers into pies, stews, and casseroles. However, Garbage Bread takes this idea to a whole new level, combining the comfort of pizza with the thrill of discovery. It’s a culinary adventure wrapped in dough, and once you try it, there’s no going back.

So, why is it called “Garbage Bread”? Well, it’s simple. Just like a garbage can where you throw whatever you have, this bread allows you to clean out your fridge and throw in whatever ingredients you have lying around. But don’t let the name fool you; there’s nothing garbage about it. It’s a treasure trove of flavors, a celebration of creativity, and a testament to the idea that sometimes, the most unexpected combinations can lead to the most delightful results.

Stay tuned as we dive deeper into the world of Garbage Bread, exploring its endless variations, how to make your own, and tips for keeping it on the healthier side. Whether you’re a seasoned chef or a curious foodie, Garbage Bread is a dish that promises to bring a dash of excitement to your dining table.

Making Your Own Garbage Bread

Garbage Bread Recipe


  • 1 lb ground beef
  • ½ cup cooked chopped bacon
  • 1 Tbsp McCormick Grill Mates Hamburger seasoning
  • 1 Tbsp Worcestershire sauce
  • 8 oz Velveeta, cubed
  • 1½ cup shredded cheddar cheese
  • 1 (13.8-oz) can pizza dough


  1. Preheat oven to 425ºF. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
  2. In a large skillet, cook ground beef over medium-high heat until no longer pink. Drain excess grease.
  3. In a large bowl, stir together ground beef, crumbled bacon, hamburger seasoning, Worcestershire sauce, and Velveeta cheese. Stir just until the cheese starts to melt.
  4. Open a can of pizza dough and roll into a 15×10-inch rectangle. Top the pizza crust with the meat mixture. Sprinkle with shredded cheddar cheese.
  5. Starting with the long side of the dough, roll up jelly-roll style. Pinch the edges to seal.
  6. Place the loaf seam-side down on a baking sheet that has been lined with parchment paper. Sprinkle everything bagel seasoning over the dough.
  7. Bake for 15 to 18 minutes, until golden brown. Allow the bread to cool for 5-10 minutes before cutting into slices.
  • Prep Time: 10 minutes
  • Cooking Time: 15 minutes
  • Total Time: 25 minutes

Why Garbage Bread is a Must-Try

Garbage Bread isn’t just a dish; it’s an experience. A culinary chameleon, it adapts to your taste, mood, and the contents of your fridge. But beyond its versatility, there are compelling reasons why it should feature on your menu. Let’s dive into the appeal of this unique dish and discover why it’s a must-try for anyone who loves good food.

The Appeal of Garbage Bread

First off, Garbage Bread’s versatility stands unmatched. Whether you crave the meaty richness of a bacon cheeseburger or the tangy zest of buffalo chicken, this dish covers it all. Vegetarians aren’t left out either; envision a filling of sautéed mushrooms, spinach, and ricotta, all wrapped up in crispy dough. The beauty of Garbage Bread lies in its ability to be whatever you want it to be. It’s a blank canvas for your culinary creativity, making it a perfect dish for experimenting with flavors and ingredients.

Moreover, Garbage Bread is the ultimate party pleaser. It’s that rare kind of dish that looks as impressive as it tastes. Picture this: you’re at a game day gathering, and you bring out a steaming, aromatic loaf of Garbage Bread. As you slice into it, revealing the melty, cheesy, loaded interior, watch as everyone’s eyes light up. It’s not just food; it’s a conversation starter, a centerpiece, and a surefire way to make any gathering memorable.

But let’s not forget the practical side. Garbage Bread is incredibly adaptable to what you have on hand, making it a fantastic way to use up leftovers and reduce food waste, much like the creative uses seen in our guide to reheat chicken wings in the air fryer. Got some leftover grilled chicken? Throw it in. That half-used jar of marinara sauce? Perfect. The last bits of cheese from the fridge? Absolutely. In a world where we’re all trying to be a bit more conscious about our consumption, Garbage Bread offers a delicious way to be resourceful.

Perfect for Parties and Game Days

There’s something about Garbage Bread that just screams “party food.” Maybe it’s the way it’s easily shared, or perhaps it’s the endless variety of fillings that can cater to any taste. It’s the kind of dish that brings people together, gathered around the table, eager for another slice. And because it’s so filling and satisfying, it’s perfect for keeping the crowd fueled and happy, whether you’re watching the big game or celebrating a special occasion.

In essence, Garbage Bread embodies the joy of eating. It’s a dish that encourages you to play with your food, to mix and match ingredients until you find your perfect combination. So, whether you’re a foodie looking for your next kitchen adventure, a busy parent in need of a quick and satisfying meal, or just someone who loves the idea of a dish that’s as fun to make as it is to eat, Garbage Bread is waiting for you to give it a try. Stay tuned as we next explore how to make your very own Garbage Bread, complete with tips and tricks for getting it just right.


Nutritional Information and Dietary Considerations

In a world where indulgence meets creativity, Garbage Bread stands out as a testament to culinary innovation. However, amidst the cheese, dough, and myriad fillings, one might wonder about its nutritional content and how it fits into a balanced diet. Fear not, for even this delightful dish can be tweaked to suit health-conscious eaters without skimping on flavor.

Healthy alternatives to traditional Garbage Bread ingredients

Health and Nutrition

At first glance, Garbage Bread might not seem like the poster child for healthy eating, given its traditional components of dough, cheese, and various meats. However, with a few adjustments, such as exploring simple Velveeta substitutes for a healthier cheese option, you can transform this comfort food into a more nutritious meal that still satisfies your cravings..

  • Caloric content and nutritional breakdown: A typical slice of Garbage Bread, depending on the fillings, can be quite calorie-dense. By swapping out certain ingredients for their healthier counterparts, you can significantly reduce the calorie count. For instance, opting for whole wheat pizza dough adds fiber, using lean meats like turkey or chicken reduces fat, and incorporating plenty of vegetables boosts the vitamin and mineral content.
  • Making healthier versions of Garbage Bread: Start by choosing a base of whole wheat or gluten-free dough to increase fiber content. Next, consider lean proteins such as ground turkey or shredded chicken breast to keep the fat in check. Don’t shy away from loading up on vegetables—spinach, bell peppers, mushrooms, and onions not only add flavor and texture but also nutritional value. For cheese lovers, opt for reduced-fat versions or use a smaller amount of a strongly flavored cheese to cut down on calories without sacrificing taste.

Dietary Considerations

Garbage Bread’s adaptability makes it a fantastic option for those with dietary restrictions. Whether you’re catering to a vegetarian, vegan, or gluten-free diet, a few simple swaps can make this dish accessible to everyone.

  • Vegetarian and Vegan Options: For a vegetarian version, simply omit the meat and double down on vegetables, or use plant-based meat substitutes for a similar texture. Vegan Garbage Bread can be achieved by using vegan dough, cheese alternatives, and plant-based proteins like tofu or tempeh.
  • Gluten-Free Needs: Making Garbage Bread gluten-free is as easy as swapping the regular pizza dough for a gluten-free version. Many stores offer gluten-free dough options, or you can make your own at home with gluten-free flour blends.

These healthier alternatives and dietary considerations incorporated ensure that Garbage Bread remains a versatile and inclusive dish enjoyed by everyone, regardless of their dietary preferences or nutritional goals. So, go ahead, get creative in the kitchen, and enjoy Garbage Bread that’s not only delicious but also tailored to your health and nutrition needs.


As we’ve journeyed through the delicious world of Garbage Bread, exploring its versatility, how to make it, and even how to tweak it for health-conscious eaters, you might still have questions. Let’s dive into some frequently asked questions that might just give you the extra info you need to become a Garbage Bread aficionado.

Can Garbage Bread be made vegetarian or vegan?

Absolutely! The beauty of Garbage Bread lies in its adaptability. For a vegetarian twist, simply skip the meat and load up on veggies like bell peppers, onions, mushrooms, and olives. Add some spinach or artichokes for a green boost. For a vegan version, use plant-based cheese and meats along with your favorite vegan dough. The possibilities are endless, allowing everyone to enjoy this dish regardless of dietary preferences.

How do you store and reheat leftovers?

Garbage Bread, on the off chance there are leftovers, stores beautifully. Wrap it tightly in aluminum foil or store it in an airtight container and refrigerate for up to 3 days. To reheat, pop it in the oven at 350°F (175°C) for about 10-15 minutes, or until it’s heated through. This method helps keep the crust crispy and the insides deliciously melty.

Creative ideas for customizing your Garbage Bread

The customization options for Garbage Bread are endless. Consider a Taco version with seasoned ground beef, cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, and sour cream. For breakfast, try scrambled eggs, bacon, and cheese. Get creative with sauces like garlic parmesan or spicy chipotle mayo for added flavor.

Conclusion and Call to Action

As we wrap up our exploration of Garbage Bread, it’s clear that this dish is more than just a clever way to use up leftovers. It’s a canvas for culinary creativity, a crowd-pleaser at any gathering, and a testament to the joy of cooking. Whether you stick to the classics or venture into creating your own unique variations, Garbage Bread is sure to bring a smile to your face and warmth to your kitchen.

We encourage you to roll up your sleeves, get creative, and dive into the world of Garbage Bread. Share your creations with friends and family, and don’t forget to share your experiences and favorite recipes with us. Cooking is all about experimentation, fun, and sharing, and Loaded Bread Roll embodies all of these aspects beautifully.


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